In the beginning of 90's , when branch of outdoor advertisement start to expand, start to show problems how to find good glue to stick the advertisement poster to different groundwork,and how to make posters exposure was the highest quality through period of few months in different atmospheric conditions.

Foreign glues contain starch and cellulose what cannot give effectiveness guarantee, that’s why prepared innovative glue basis on water synthetic polymers what meets all requirements.

In 1992 , team of research workers connected with chemical research institute called Production Company AQUA- CHEM into existence, as a research-production institute prepared specialist water glue basis on base of synthetic polymers.

After 2 years of research, taking into consideration consumer’s opinions about using glue and gained experience, We prepared product named GLUE-TEXT.

Currently Our company produce glue to gluing posters in few versions and prepare any glue formulas basis on base of water polymers according to consumer’s needs.

Since 1999 Our company is a member of the Economic House of Outdoor Advertisement ( assembling leaders of outdoor companies.